Server E-commerce is an infrastructure which is the main foundation of a site in E-commerce. Reliability servers E-commerce is necessary to support the ability to provide a satisfactory result and for the perpetrators of online business. As an analogy this server, companies can exampling existence of the network, where to set how the information is used and accessed through, the company established a network-level trust. Server in the world should be able to provide internet system administration with a sense of security, so that will give the public confidence in entering the public network or even a network with traffic intelligence the more complex.

In other words, the server must be able to ensure that the public does not have any outside parties who maybe can access, so it can give a good sense of trust. For security purposes, the host of E-commerce sites should be able to access the encryption with the domain name itself is optimal. To become a Web server, the ability to support the SSL encryption (secure socket layer) and PGP (server side) for the security of transactions are minimum standards that must be fulfilled by a server. Both encryption module is provided free of charge by Ammo net, so all the domain name account can access for free. Server with a variety of advantages and benefits that is necessary to support all users. Due to the importance of using the method of payment processing credit card electronically, which is most desired by the merchant?
