Apple issued a formal update latest operating system Mac OS X 10.5.7 Leopard. Update Leopard system is also intended to make improvements to security and bug variations. According to apple.com support, OS X 10.5.7 update is included relating to the Apache web server, PHP, Core Graphics, and Safari. Update Patch in this system was to improve the weaknesses in the three Apple Type Services, QuickDraw Manager, and Web Kit, all of which can lead to execution of malicious code. While the form of hardware to support RAW image for third party digital camera, a format that can display more image information than JPEG. Update OS X 10.5.7 system also adds video playback performance, and the cursor movement for the Mac with the latest nVIDIA graphics components, with the same keyboard layout in Mac OS X 10.5.6.
System OS X 10.5.7 Leopard also has a patch for the stability security and performance, such as when users are logging in to Gmail, and also to make contacts in the Yahoo! Update this system will also refresh the Dashboard widgets, including unit converter, stocks, weather, and movies. There is still improvised, like iCal to automatically connect with MobileMe.Apple also perform improvised parental control system in the Leopard OS X 10.5.7.
Google Squared
Google will remove the "toys" for the newest stand still lead the competition industry search engine. Google's new toy called Google Squared. Squared Google search will display information in spreadsheet format, shortly after the search of information produced. For example, a search for "small dogs" will show a different picture about the size, weight, and information types that have a small dog.
Unlike search engines in general, Google Squared will not find a page on your site topic. But will be looking for facts and organize all existing information on the Internet. Google hopes this feature is already available in the near future on the Google Labs. In addition, Google will also add a new option, that is, the Search Option. This option allows users to choice results information that has been sought. Search Option will come soon this week.
Previously, Google has added an application called Star Droid Android on their mobile phone. This technology utilizes a map on the GPS system that has been linked quite common in some types of the latest handsets. GPS systems are used to identify the user to position and then compared with a map of the sky. After the process, this technology will automatically display the name of a star or planet through the phone.