Firefox 3.0.10
It is the need for the user to observe the changes or the latest information about the use of a browser, for convenience in use. Security and stability issues have been included therein. One of the popular browser, and continue to dig up the changes and improvements is Firefox. Up to now, the browser has issued the latest version, is 3.0.10, adding improvements to the security and stability.
One of the security improvements is a number of improvements to the frequency of crashes occur often. In particular, the user add-on HTML validates encountered this crash, but on some other users also found several different conditions. Crash is, according to the analysis, the result of memory corruption, and has been identified as a cleft security since there has been a long time. For your users who have experienced crashes with the same symptoms, you can upgrade the latest version.

Google Chrome
Stable version of the promised security, speed, ease, is certainly much awaited by the users. With the stable version, can avoid the problem of crashes or hangs the use of the old. Many of the browsers can be one of the options that apply new technologies; the Ajax-based Web 2.0 is Google Chrome.
New features into the mainstay of this browser that is the support that enables you secure internet without leaving the trail a bit, both online and offline. So, for your user's browser Google Chrome can now be happy to welcome the presence of the latest version of the stable that is In this latest version has included improvements to any of the crashes that occurred during the startup process on the number of presentations experienced user or multiple users.